Unified help now open to everyone

We’ve removed the need to log in to Zylinc unified help, so now everyone can use our award-winning help without having to register an account first. If you already have an account, you simply won’t need it anymore – which means that you won’t have to remember your password either.

Handle common GDPR scenarios

In this article, we’ll look at how you can handle some common GDPR scenarios in your Zylinc solution: What do you do when … … people want to know what data you have about them? … people want their data to be anonymized or deleted? … you have data about former employees in your system?…

Keep your system running under pressure

In the current Covid-19 / corona virus situation, when you’re likely to get much fewer face-to-face inquiries and much more phone inquiries, you’ll want important communications infrastructure like your Zylinc solution to keep working as smoothly as possible. Here’s a collection of links to Zylinc blog posts and help articles that can help you with…

Set up QoS policy for VoIP in AD

People often ask us how to set up a QoS (Quality of Service) policy for VoIP (Voice over IP, that is telephony over the internet), so that callers get the best possible audio quality. The reason they ask is that audio quality on VoIP calls in severe cases on very busy networks can become so…

Government service? Get inspiration from GDS

A lot of Zylinc’s users work in public administration: Government offices, local authorities, etc. If any of you are even just remotely involved in delivering digital information and self-service, you should follow the UK Government Digital Service (GDS) blog. GDS’ work is not just about websites. It’s about making public services simpler and better, and…

We’re doing it right, CX trends report confirms

“Companies offering omnichannel support resolve tickets more than three times faster, and their customers spend 75% less time waiting for agents to respond.” That’s what it says in the recently released Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2020. Zendesk’s annual CX trends report is always highly anticipated, because it’s based on a big data set from…